Archaeological surveys may take many forms, including landscape field survey, topographic survey and aerial photographic survey. It usually involves identifying archaeological sites and defining the distribution of past human activity, often across a wide area and is commonly associated with large-scale projects such as road schemes, but can also be applied to large formal gardens or historic parkland.
This process is only generally suitable for arable, preferably recently ploughed and unsown, fields and involves the systematic collection of artefacts and ecofacts visible in the topsoil, usually either by line walking linear transects or grid walking defined squares. The resulting finds are analysed and distribution plans prepared by archaeological period to help define areas of potential
Historic Building Recording:
The recording of historic buildings that are to be affected by redevelopment or are under threat from other causes is a growing field within the heritage industry. The recording will act to establish the character, history, dating, form and development of a specified building, structure, or complex and its setting. Foundations has extensive experience in undertaking such surveys at all levels, from basic Level 1 and photographic surveys, through to more complex Level 3 and 4 surveys.
Metal Detector Surveys:
Metal detecting is a good way to assess past land use by searching for near surface metal objects which are then mapped, dated and analysed. Although Foundations use metal detectors as standard on all of our sites we are also experienced in carrying out detector surveys on larger areas such as suspected battlefield sites.